Animals and Us

We all know we are facing both a climate crisis and a biodiversity crisis and we need to do something about it.

But what if nature has the answer to our problems? How does animal welfare tie in with public health? Can endangered species really make a comeback if we give them a chance? And how we can look towards the animal world for the answers we need? This space is a collection of stories and experiences about what we can learn from animals and the natural world - covering everything from the international wildlife trade to puppies and the importance of rewilding.

We highlight ongoing campaigns and actions to get involved and make a difference, and chat with incredible people with unique perspectives working in the field of wildlife conservation and animal welfare.

The aim is to learn and be inspired so we can all make the world a better place, for animals and for us!



The wildlife trade. Dog meat. Fur farming. Puppy mills. COVID-19.
The devasting stories of our exploitation of animals and the amazing people and initiatives who are putting an end to these cruel practices.



We know we are destroying our planet and bringing species to extinction. So what can we do about it?




I speak to incredible people I have met who work in the field of animal welfare and wildlife conservation. Read about how they got to where they are, what motivates them to work in this field and hope for the future of the animal world.



Find out what campaigns are happening right now and how YOU can make a difference.